Archive | October, 2010

SEO for people who are not Web Designers

12 Oct

Today’s blog post was all my frustration at “intro” or “beginner” SEO guides that the every person needs to read while sitting next to someone with a comp sci degree who will explain every third word to them.

My response to that kind of elitism is pure frustration because even though some people consider me an “SEO expert” and I love what I do… SEO is not rocket science. You need a good web designer to make it work right, but you can pay for one of those. The part that everyone makes so complicated is actually really easy. It’s pretty much accessible to anyone with a good product and the ability to be nice and genuine. Google tries to explain everything to you in 32 pages, I did it in 3 paragraphs…but I caught out all the technical stuff that you shouldn’t worry about like meta tags and URLs, because a good web designer (and it’s really worth getting one!) will do that for you. Let’s just call it SEO for reasonably smart people who are not engineers or webdesigners (you are not a dummy).

Please enjoy this excerpt from my latest post:

Plain Speak on SEO

Recently Google released a brand new, 32 page SEO Starter Guide. It’s incredibly detailed, very easy to read and thorough. Incredibly detailed. 32 jam packed pages of information, steps and strategies. And it has a handy page by page glossary footnote because there are about 6 words on each page that you may or may not understand if you are not a webmaster. Let’s just say that maybe you don’t really have time to read a 32 page Google Search Engine Optimization Guide. Or maybe you are not a webmaster. Or maybe you don’t even know what SEO is…. Fear not! It’s really not as hard as it sounds. With the right help, you could be on the way to ranking without costly pay per click campaigns. These steps below will break down SEO in a way that is accessible to those of us not fortunate enough to have a degree in computer science.  Really don’t know what SEO is? … read more here

Hello Stalkers…

8 Oct

It’s been a really busy week around the homestead. Exciting changes from a freemium model to an all paid plan (including my exciting rename of the less premium plan to Lightening!). Still feeling lots of warm fuzzies from the Giants experiement, plus more experiments with video. All in all a pretty fun week.

Just an FYI, I love comments. Love them. They make me feel complete. They make me feel loved, like the universe cares. So don’t be scared to leave a comment. I promise to write back! Or you know, tweet me, because like any good Social Media lover there is nothing more excited than an @sign and my name.

Is it really the end of men?” for Girls in Tech

This is not how business should be done…” A VIDEO!

My Obsession with Group Buying goes public with a post and video.

And it’s not new this week but I forgot to post it here… my tribute to lovely lady bumps (that’s noses for you with unclean thoughts) for my friends at